- FoxRed boy SOLD
- FoxRed girl SOLD
- Willow’s litter! They are so red!!!
- FoxRed litter from a previous litter!!
- Red Lab
About Fox Red Lab Puppies-NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Red Lab puppies from the breeders at Silver and Charcoal Kennels are a very unique color. Often called “fox red,” red Labrador puppies have the bright, russet coloration of a fox. Fox red labs for sale from silver and charcoal kennels are registered as yellow with akc.
Red labs, like other Labradors, are extremely intelligent, and one of the easiest breeds to train. With sensitive mouths,fox red labs are often bred for police work. Our fox red labs work hard at whatever job they may have, and red labs are no exception. Of course, for fox red lab puppies at Silver and Charcoal Kennels, their primary jobs are to be cute and healthy, and they do both very well!
A fox red lab loves to run and play, and isn’t afraid of hard work. If you have an active lifestyle, you will not have to worry about your red lab keeping up. Red Labrador retriever can be fast sprinters, reaching twelve miles per hour in three seconds.
Please browse the rest of our website to see the available Red Labs for sale. For more information about our fox red Labs feel free to call us (662) 299-5435.